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The Story of my Life


By maria Alejandra Remolina 4C


Do you know me? My name is Maria Alejandra Remolina Mengual, and I am 10 years old.   I was born on February 6th, 2004 in Girardot, Cundinamarca. I am very creative and I love dancing and painting.  I am also cheerful, active, funny, lovely, and I enjoy being with my family. When I was smaller, I loved dancing Cumbia.

My eyes are dark brown, I have long, brown, curly hair, and I am medium height. 

Here I was on my first year of school

I love to do different things and be active all the time. I like dancing and painting, I play tennis, the violin, and I love assembling LEGO figures.  The movie that I like most is “Heaven is for Real”, and I enjoy reading “Diary of a Wimpy Kid”.my favorite song is “Wake”by Hillsong. So, do you like what I like?

I love to play the violin

But you know something? There are some things that I dislike. Something that I hate is reading long, boring books because I soon get tired and then I get sleepy. I also dislike singing in front of many people because when I see all those eyes staring at me, my voice starts shaking. One more thing I can’t stand is writing long things because my hand starts hurting and I can’t concentrate. I really hate those long books!

This is how I look when I  read

My god! On  January 1st this year I was in Girardot and I was sleeping on a chair at my grandmother´s house.  Then I woke up and I wanted to stand up but I just couldn’t because I got a cramp on my foot and suddenly I had landed on the floor like a bag of potatoes.   I hit my buttocks and it hurt a lot!  But the worst of all was that many people were looking at me.   I felt so ashamed.   Have you ever started the year like me?   I really hope that something like this never happens to you especially not the 1st of January.

Sometimes I feel like this whe I am ashamed

What Do You Know About Me?

I am an angelic girl named Catalina Zárate Osorio. I am 9 years old. My Mom told me it was a beautiful Sunday and I stopped moving inside her. If you don’t know my father is an Anesthesiologist, like my mom. That day my mom went to the Clinica de la Mujer where my father was working. That afternoon they ran a lot of tests on my mom and decided to take me out. I was born at 8:20 pm by cesarean. I was born on November 21, 2004 so November 21 is my birthday, that is obvious. I was born at the Clinica de la Mujer in Bogota, Colombia.

Did you know that I should be in third grade and not fourth?

It is because I was supposed to be born in 2005. I was a premature baby. I was born weighing 2,350 grams and measuring 45 centimeters in length.

Now, my eyes and hair are brown and I have freckles on my face.  I have a little nose and mouth with fine lips and I am thin. I am 1, 36 meters tall and I weigh 26 kilograms. I am a very special girl and unique because I am curious, attentive, tolerant, interesting, and naive and, like I already said, angelic.



My favorite things to do are to dance, sing, do gymnastics and do things for my American Girl with my sister. I like to dance because I love to express myself moving my body.I like to sing anywhere. Sometimes my father tells me that I need to stop singing, like in the “Team Beach Movie.”I like to do gymnastics because I love to be elastic and to do somersaults and I like to do things with my American Girl doll because I like to do videos with it and I love to play with my sister.My favorite song is Dark Horse from Katy Perry, my favorite movie is Hotel Transylvania, and my favorite books are “ The Witch who was afraid of witches” and “La Profecia de las Piedras.”



I don’t like to do oral reports, to do tests, to be alone and to be sick. I don’t like to do oral reports because if get confused or if I do something wrong, that would be the end.  I don’t like reports because I would be nervous. I don’t like to be sick because I don’t feel well and I don’t like to be alone because I feel sad and afraid. The worst thing is to be alone. Can you imagine yourself in the park or in your house alone? That will be horrible! Tell me if you like that.



My happiest day was when, in third grade, my group won a competition on Cultural Week.  We were awarded five vouchers for the Candy Factory. I went with my mother and my sister to buy lots of candies.


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