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Miley Cyrus and Patrick Schwarzenegger 




By:Sara Cifuentes



The extravagant and full of surprises singer Miley Cyrus has been dating Patrick Schwarzenegger, the son of the famous actor Arnold Schwarzenegger and Maria Shriver, since November of last year. Apparently, the couple has constructed a stable and beautiful romantic relationship. Miley says she has found the love of her life, and, according to speculation, they seem to be engaged and the news of their marriage wouldn’t give us any surprise. 


Everything seems to be perfect about this relationship, but Patrick’s parents aren’t really pleased about the idea that their son is dating the “party girl” Miley Cyrus. Since Maria is part of the Kennedy family, one of the most important families from the United States society, considered the “royalty” of this country, being related to Cyrus means kind of a tragedy for them.


Despite the opinion of Patrick’s family, Miley is decided to give everything of herself in order to maintain the relationship and not ruin it making the same mistakes she made with her last couple Liam Hemsworth.


On the other hand, Miley’s father, Billy Ray Cyrus, the country singer, announced in his twitter account he is going to be a grandfather. Is Miley going to be a mom? We are not sure of that, but soon we will be able to know if it was only a joke or if Miley is really pregnant. Moreover, during the last week Miley published on her Instagram account a picture of her doing an ultrasound and very happy due to the news she was going to receive a beautiful… ¡piece of pizza!  


Probably Miley is only playing with the stalking of the fans and the paparazzi, but of what we are really sure is that Miley’s relationship with Patrick isn’t an off and on thing.  


We wish them the best! 

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