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Expoestudiante 2015



Camila Ochoa B 10B


         Life is all about taking good decisions. Since you are little you have to make many decisions that in a way or another can change your future, as you grow up these decisions become more and more important. One of the most important decisions in your life is the one taken in eleventh grade, when you decide what you are going to do with your life, after graduating from school. At this point of your life you have to confront, not only having the responsibility of taking a good decision where you are happy and you can guarantee a successful life, but also being attacked with thousands of doors and opportunities.


         Many people can help you to take this decision: your parents, your friends, the people close to you, and your school. The help of the school is very useful because it is impartial, therefore they can help you decide in what career you really want without the pressure that sometimes parents can inflict. Also the school, like your parents wants the best for you: a place where you study what you like, where you do the things you love , and most important a place where you are completely happy as you are in school. Our school helps in this tough moment in many ways such as taking us to conferences about studying abroad, showing us the different universities here in Bogotá and outside our city and country.


        This year the girls of tenth grade went to a special exposition called ¨Expoestudiante¨ in Los Nogales School, here in Bogotá. This exposition was very interesting because many universities, not only from the United States, but also from all around the globe, from places such as Italy, Canada and Spain came in the same place to show students their universities, their careers, their campuses, and also their scholarships. These scholarships can help many students because the university helps their family to pay the career in addition to motivating students to follow hobbies, like sports, thanks to sports scholarships.  In this way, students can have more than one option for their career choice.




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