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by: Luisa Perdomo 10A

  1. Collect a rock that’s big enough to write a message. It will be better if the surface doesn’t have bumps.​

  2. Gather paints and ideas to draw on your rock. You can draw it on a piece of paper first.

  3. Take a sharpie and write whatever you want on your rock. In order to make it pretty, add some patterns or drawings.  For this step take your time so the design looks as you imagined.

  4. The next step is to get your paints, and with a fine brush paint your designs and do as many details as you want

  5. Let it dry for a night, so nothing will happen to it. The next morning wrap it, but in a delicate paper so it can look nice and neat.​


Now you can create as many as you want, and give one to each of your friends.


by: Daniela Gómez Vela 10B

Are you excited to be back in school?

I was personally really excited to get back to school back in August, and make this the best year I've ever had, and I guess you were too, but in order to do that you'll need the whole package from having fun with your friends to doing your school work complete and organized, that's why I've gathered 5 things to keep you organized, productive and really happy with yourself.


To-Do List App.

This is an amazing way to stay organized! I've tried it out myself and it is really useful, mostly when you are in the higher grades and you need to balance off school and social life, so you know and understand what your priorities are and what really matters at the end of the day, so for my personal recommendation on the app, I have been loving " To-do List" which is free on the Apple App Store and also on the Google Play Store.


Colored pens or markers

Or maybe both! If you are really into colors as I am. All my life I've enjoyed using color in my notebooks as well as color-coding which is basically assigning one color per subject, and in fact it has helped me throughout high school to organize myself and remember things better on tests, as this technique has shown to make you recall more information since you can only relate a color to a certain subject.


A Calendar

This sounds really cliché, but the difference it can make is astonishing since writing down your assignments on a certain place where you can visualize them makes you more aware of them, forcing you do divide your time wisely and be conscious of the amount of things you have to do for a certain date.


Cute Notebooks

Notebooks take such a toll on me regarding school.

I hate having simple and usual notebooks; I like them with patterns and designs! Because having something actually pretty that you enjoy writing in, will make you take more notes and make you want to study more, or at least that's how it works with me.


Noise-Cancelling headphones

I completely recommend this and I am totally aware of the fact that these exact kind of headphones tend to be really expensive, but they will be totally worth it next time you are in somewhere noisy and you have to read five chapters for the next day, because I don't really know about you, but reading with a lot of noise doesn't work for me.

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