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by: Ana María Cabrales (Former Pacha)

             I have always thought there is a need to prepare for myself a short, mid and long-term plan.  I started to build my own plan since I was in High School. My aspiration was to study Business Administration (BA) in a well-known university in Colombia. This would introduce me to the professional working environment, wishing to develop my abilities in an international company. With this experience, I had the idea to leave the country so I could obtain my Master’s Degree, and then come back in search of a better job opportunity and as a productive asset of my country. Planning is one of the stages of the decision-making process, but accomplishing what you planned is the real test, and can certainly affect your decision-making process. Life is a constant changing experience, ironically. Time can suddenly change your thoughts, decisions, ideas, even needs. It is a day-to-day challenge that gives us the opportunity to keep on learning.


Now, the plans I made several years ago have changed. This does not

mean that once your life makes a turn, you have to leave everything behind. For instance, still, some of my best friends are Pachas, and I still keep them as a treasure. Priorities change, and therefore we have to take decisions. Personal life may have an impact on professional desires, or vice versa. In my case, both of them work together. Today, I just want to stay in Colombia to accomplish my second bachelor degree, Economics. Last year I met THE one, and our decisions have turned to choose Switzerland as our definite residential country, the place where he was born and raised.

          Time is always running. It challenges you every day as a woman, as a student, as a volleyball player, even as a girlfriend. You have the opportunity to take advantage of it, or throw the days away. It is the best rollercoaster I suggest to ride! Make decisions and plans, but be aware of changes and contingencies that might turn them around. I wish you all the best and lots of success on your personal and professional paths.


by: Maria José Rojas (Former Pacha)

          Saying goodbye to school was not something easy to do. When I left, I was sure I was going to miss a lot of things about it, for example, the incredible feeling that I was at home, my beautiful friends and classmates and the teachers from whom I learned more than a subject.


          Now, two months after graduating from Santa Francisca Romana School, and passing from being a senior (that made me feel like a queen at school) to being a “primípara” (that makes me feel like an amazing target for bullying), I am very happy and glad, not only for studying what I am studying, Social communication and Journalism, but also, where I am studying it, La Sabana. I love my university; I love its people, its teachers and “las monis” (they are what we called in school “las señoritas”).

          A very weird and extreme change that happened when I left school and started to study at the university was the drastic change between being 24/7 with girls to being 24/7 with guys. I find it ironic how in school I was surrounded by girls all the time, but now, I only have 2 girl friends, and the rest of my friends are guys. I have many boy friends because I share most of the classes with them and all of my spare time. I cannot complain because it is an interesting and enriching experience; I have learned how guys think and how they normally act. However, I must confess I miss having a lot of girl friends that understand me much better than boys do.

          The other thing I miss the most from school, is its delicious and healthy food. I have noticed that since university started I have not eaten the way I should. Although food at La Sabana is very tasty, it does not have the vitamins and nutrients I need to eat. The fact that fast food is appetizing and that I have a short amount of time to have lunch, has made me opt for unhealthy food like pizza, hamburgers, burritos and hot dogs.

          Although things are not perfect at university and I miss small things from school, I am really happy and pleased with everything. I know that with the pass of time, university is going to start feeling like a second home too for me, just like school was, because that is where I am going to learn and grow not only as a person, but also, as a professional. An uncountable number of important events are going to happen while I am at the university, so I cannot wait to continue studying there and being content.


by: Montserrat Bueno (Former Pacha)

          For as long as I can remember I have always been obsessed with two things: Ancient Greece and the concept of love. Since a very young age I read the myths, the history, the philosophy and the tragedies. I have always been fascinated with the brave heroes, the spoiled gods, and the messages conveyed in their stories. The ancient Greeks have always brought happiness to my life. But it wasn´t until college that I got interested in their language.


          Two semesters ago, I took a class called Greek Civilization and here is when the concept of love intertwines with my passion for this culture. In that class, I learned that unlike other languages, in Greek there are four different words for “Love”. Why so many different ways? Well, the Greeks thought there were many ways of loving and that each one was unique in their own way.


          The four words are Érōs (ἔρως), Storgē (στοργή), Philía (φιλία), and Agápē (ἀγάπη). The first one is attraction, the second one is affection for family, the third one is friendship and the last one (my favorite) is the most perfect love. And because it is September and in this month we celebrate “Love and Friendship Day” I will tell you a little bit about the last two.


          In his book, Nicomachean Ethics, the Greek philosopher Aristotle developed a whole theory surrounding Phília. He believed there were three types of friendship: one that only exists for utility, another one that seeks instant gratification and lastly one that is good and virtuous. The first two are fragile, but the last one is for life. The last one is the reason why we can find meaning to our lives. Aristotle believed that there were only few friendships that were virtuous. He also said that what makes them possible is affection, time, closeness, and a mutual investment in the other´s happiness and wellbeing. He believed that a happy life was only possible if we surround ourselves with good friends.  


          On “Love and Friendship Day” remember that friends are precious gifts, and that having someone that is always looking out for you is a blessing.

Agápē is a term that has been talked about over and over again throughout the centuries. From Homer, all the way to Thomas Aquinas. It is a powerful term that conveys unconditional, transcendental love. The most powerful, pure and universal love of all. It is unlike any other. It is faithful, selfless and committed. For Christians, Agápē is the one true love felt by God towards His children. Saint Augustine believed that: “Agápē, however, is a peculiar kind of love. It’s centered on the one loved. It is centered on the other”. This is the kind of love which is not felt or given for personal benefit, but on the contrary, it is in its entirety felt for the other. Thomas Aquinas in his book, Summa Theologiæ, said about this type of love that it is "to will the good of another". We can also find a description of Agápē in the bible in the well-known verse 1 Corinthians 13. Agápē love is what made me fall in love with the concept of love, in the first place. That love that is fully felt, without fear, and without limits.


          On “Love and Friendship Day” remember that God is love, and that as His children we are meant to love unconditionally and truthfully.

          Love is always present. It might be in the form of Érōs, Storgē, Philía or Agápē, no matter which one, they all bring light, reassurance, comfort, laughter, and tremendous growth. Take every chance you get to tell the people you love, how much you care for them, because you will never know how much good that does.


Happy “Love and Friendship Day” to all, and remember…


“Friendship is a single soul dwelling in two bodies.”

“Friendship is not only invaluable, but also beautiful”


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